Departure to get a car and purchase a car in Germany

It's best to go with a friend to find a used car or a review of several models, who will not only take us to the place but also advise us on the choice. If we do not have such a possibility, then you have to go by plane or by coach, yes, to be able to return later with an already purchased car.
Tak zwany Car dealership and German car dealerships to najważniejsze i najpopularniejsze źródła used cars in Germany. Ogromna większość cars used z ogłoszeń pochodzi właśnie z tych dwóch źródeł. buying used car on commission or by Car dealership płacimy oczywiście w gotówce w EURO. The price is always the starting price and usually lowering it by approx. 10 percent is no problem at all. A bigger price break is also possible, but it requires quite a lot of experience in negotiations.
When we are there, we must check the car using all our knowledge and experience.
The most important thing to check:
- all panes - should be of the same year
- age and condition of tires
- meter reading by comparing it with entries in the service book
- listen to the engine running in the entire rev range
- body condition and paint, it is worth having a paint coating thickness gauge in advance
The most important thing, however, is to do a test drive, during which we will assess the state of suspension, gearbox, brakes, Shock, matching interior trim elements, car acceleration, etc.. If used car jest wyrejestrowany to powinien mieć tablice wyjazdowe rejestracyjne z czerwonymi znakami, which allows you to take a test drive.