VIN number
The abbreviation VIN stands for the vehicle identification number from the English Vehicle Identyfication Number. The VIN is the unique identification of the vehicle, which is assigned at the production stage to each car.
As it turns out the data, which it contains VIN number can be useful not only during registration car, but mainly when making a purchase decision used car. In addition VIN number is also checked during a routine technical inspection car. VIN number stamped on the body or on a plate is then verified with the number entered in the registration certificate and placed in the vehicle inspection station database.
If the vehicle is stopped by the police, so too VIN number is checked in the database of stolen vehicles.
VIN number it is not only protection against theft, or maybe rather a handicap for car thieves, VIN it is also help at service stations and for car users themselves. Based on the number VIN spare parts are selected for cars used in authorized service stations or in automotive shops. VIN number together with the engine number, completely identifies the vehicle and all parts and components, from which it is assembled.
VIN number it is located in different places in cars depending on car manufacturers. Most often it is located near the right passenger sill and in the windshield, sometimes in the vicinity of the engine. W niektórych samochodach jest powtórzony w kilku miejscach jak na przykład firma Renault umieszcza dodatkowo VIN on a plaque stuck under the windshield. Other manufacturers stick it on the center pillar or in the boot area.
Jeśli chodzi o dokumentacje samochodu to VIN number znajduje się w książce serwisowej, as well as on the vehicle card and in the registration certificate.
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