New frontiers in design
For many years, cars produced in the Land of the Rising Sun were considered very solid, but at the same time completely devoid of any designer flavors. The world is changing, however, and even Japanese cars evoke emotions. The best example of this should be cars designed in accordance with the KODO philosophy.
What is it really about ...
What is it really about. Engineers of one of the Japanese brands decided to combine lightness and beauty in their works. Cars built in accordance with the KODO styling are just like that - a soft silhouette, resembling a tiger crouching to leap makes, that the car looks extremely light. These cars are simply powerful. But they are not typical "muscles". Certainly cannot be said, that the car does not have a huge dose of elegance. Movement enchanted in the body When viewed from the side, the cars of the Japanese manufacturer actually look very dynamic.

This car design philosophy is evident in most models - it doesn't matter, be it a small city car or a dignified limousine. It cannot be said about any of the cars of this brand, that it is sluggish or sluggish - even with typical off-road models. Objectively speaking, KODO philosophy, that is, the spell of constant movement into the beautiful styling of the exterior, it undoubtedly adds a lot of charm to such a car.
Trzbea also admit, that such a fresh-looking silhouette will keep its perfect appearance for many years, which allows you to buy a car with confidence, that in a few years it will simply look old. Not only the exterior The exterior is one thing, and in everyday use, the most important thing is the appearance of the car interior. We even skip the equipment issues, because it is a matter largely dependent on the given version. The KODO design in the cockpit translates into a lot of aesthetic details, such as the elegant aluminum finish for the interior.