Popular adage, that he "can afford a car." – it can afford gasoline ”is no longer relevant. Fewer and fewer drivers think this way. Fuel price increases, we've lived through, forced us to conduct a more in-depth analysis of car operating costs.
Many are looking for alternative drives, that is, behind the gas drive. The calculation of costs directly related to the operation of the car definitely indicates gas as a more profitable option.
You may be tempted to perform calculations, assuming, That 500 We cover km in one direction using gas supply, and back only petrol. To drive through 500 km, we consume 50 dm3 gas propan-butan. Its average price is 2,50 PLN per dm3. So we spent on that part of the tour 125 PLN. By filling the tank with gasoline, which currently costs on average
5,30 PLN for 1 dm3 and assuming, that the average fuel consumption is 8 dm3 / 100 km, we need to cover the same distance 212 PLN. The cost comparison is therefore unequivocal: przejazd przy zasilaniu gazowym jest prawie o połowę tańszy niż przy zasilaniu benzyną.
Naturally, the costs associated with installing a gas installation or buying a car, which is factory-equipped with such an installation are substantial, but they cushion quickly, especially if the annual mileage is significant. Our operating experience with gas propulsion shows, That:
• różnice trakcyjne przy zasilaniu gazem i benzyną są w praktyce nieodczuwalne;
• rozruch silnika przy stosowaniu zasilania gazowego jest taki sam jak przy benzynie; if there are any troubles, switch over to gasoline while starting the engine and return to gas supply, once it starts working normally, is easy;
• dostępne obecnie toroidalne zbiorniki gazu rozwiązują problem z ograniczaniem objętości bagażnika samochodu, although they make it difficult to transport the spare wheel;
• sieć stacji paliwowych, where you can buy propane-butane gas is completely sufficient and in practice there are no problems with purchasing gas in the country. We pay attention, that there are significant differences in the price of gas and it is worth choosing such a station, which gas is the cheapest. Further savings!