Benefits of using LPG

Benefits of using LPG.

The use of gas supply brings undeniable benefits resulting from the differences between the price of gasoline and LPG, but it is associated with certain limitations and obligations resulting from the properties of gaseous fuel. First of all, before deciding to install a gas installation, you need to recalculate, whether it is cost effective to use a secondary power source. The calculations must take into account the fact, that the car will consume more gas per 100 km than gasoline. Everyone knows it, who have ever come into contact with gas installations. However, it must be noted, that the appetite for gas fuel is greater than that of gasoline, it decreases with the complexity of the gas supply system. There are several factors behind this. First of all, reducing the air flow resistance, which was caused by the classic mixers placed in the inlet channels so far. In current installations, fuel is supplied to the intake manifold by an injector (or injectors), which does not reduce the cross-sectional area of ​​the collector. The second element, which allowed for the reduction of gas fuel consumption is the widespread use of electronic systems controlling the engine operation. This allows the ignition advance angle to be changed to suit the combustion rate of the gaseous fuel, which is smaller compared to gasoline. In cars equipped with the classic ignition system, the ignition advance angle was set, taking into account the properties of gasoline.
The introduction of a reducer-evaporator with electronically regulated fuel-air mixture composition for an idling engine into the gas installations had a significant impact on the quality of work and the amount of fuel consumed.. Stosowane w silnikach benzynowych reduktory wyposażone w regulację składu za pomocą łatwo dostępnej śruby pozostawiały zbyt duże pole działania domorosłym mechanikom, who changed settings in search of savings or better acceleration. It was impossible to return to the optimal setting without special tools and the cars were driven in this way, using more fuel, and poisoning the environment at the same time. The introduction of electronic controllers for determining the dose of gaseous fuel made it possible to perform automatic engine regulation not only in a stationary car, but also while driving.