LISTEN 951 – year 1938
Manufacturer: Horch works AG, Zwickau, Germany.
The model of Horch's 8-cylinder dynasty was opened 303, first introduced in 1926 r. at the Motor Show. Should be added, that it was the first 8-cylinder car made in Germany. The creator of the engine construction turned out to be none other, only Paul Daimler himself.
This 3-cylinder engine resulted in subsequent versions with a capacity increased by 0,5 liter, which resulted in a typical program with six engines on two different chassis. In the 1930s, the Horch company became a manufacturer with the greatest experience in the production of 8-cylinder engines. They were produced in total over 30 000.

Manufacturer: Horch works AG, Zwickau, Germany.
Model shown in the picture 951 A is a standard work of Horch's production program in 1938. There is a beautifully painted "piece of cast iron" under the aluminum bonnet” with such a simple structure, as if it were a Bugatti engine. Double Solex carburettor with suction silencer and suction pipes on one side, and the exhaust pipes on the other side. The fan was not driven by a belt but by a shaft. Both camshafts acted on the valves directly, without leverage. They were driven by a king shaft. A constructive peculiarity was the cylinders cast together, two each, so that no cooling water was flowing between them. It was about obtaining the shortest structural length of the engine, which was achieved thanks to the small diameter of the cylinders and the long stroke of the piston. Eight cylinders had a capacity 4944 cm2 and power 88,2 kW (120 KM) by 3400 RPM. 4-the ZF gearbox had three synchronized steps. The weight of this vehicle was among the record-breaking ones among passenger cars. The curb weight of the chassis itself was 1850 kg, and the whole car 2650 kg.
Thanks to these models, the Horch brand has gained the opinion of a car manufacturer of exceptional solidity, reliable at work and elegant.