CHRYSLER – year 1931
Manufacturer: Chrysler Corporation, Detroit, USA.
Compared with the other founders of American car factories Walter Chrysler, distinguished by entrepreneurship and initiative, he was one of the greatest industrialists of his time.

Manufacturer: Chrysler Corporation, Detroit, USA.
He started working as a mechanic on the railroad, and at the age of 40 he became the president of the largest car concern General Motors. Unfortunately, differences of opinion in a short time, between him and the creator of the concern - William Crapo Durant caused, that Chrysler left the concern.
W 1924r. three young technicians joined him: Fred Cedar, Owen Skelton i Carl Beer, to jointly establish a new standalone automotive plant, Chrysler Corporation. The models produced in the plant were soon known as good quality products. 6-the cylinder car of its own concept was released the following year in the series 100 000 pieces. It was equipped with an engine with a lower valve timing, developing power 50 kW (68 KM) by 5800 RPM.
One of the more famous is also the model 50, which appeared in 1927 r. The two-seater body on wooden wheels could be disassembled, the car had a 4-cylinder in-line engine with a capacity 2750 cm3 with thermosiphon cooling, electric starter and disc clutch. His equipment included windshield wipers, electric acoustic signal, rearview mirror, and even a car anti-theft device.
After the death of the Dodge brothers, Chrysler bought the Dodge Motor Co. and became the third largest car manufacturer (in America) after G. M. i Ford.
Model CD, produced in 1931 r "had an 8-cylinder in-line displacement engine 4396 cm3, equipped with a fuel pump. Of course, it had hydraulic brakes, radiator with thermostat and 4-speed gearbox. It was then sold for 1565 dollars.