ALFA ROMEO 158 – year 1947
Alfa Romeo S.p.A, Milano, Italy.
Already in 1937 year of Eng. Gioacchino Colombo started working on a new racing car, which under the name of Alfa Romeo 158 in years 1947-1951 dominated the Grand Prix tracks.
Car, initially qualified for the class 1,5 liter, it was equipped with an eight-cylinder in-line engine, constructed on the basis of a sixteen-cylinder engine of the type 16 C-316. At cylinder diameter 58 mm and piston stroke 70 mm engine had a displacement 1479 cm3 and reached in 1938 years of power 143,5 kW (195 KM) by 7200 RPM. A crankshaft embedded in slide bearings drove a Roots compressor and two camshafts in the cylinder head. One of the camshafts started the fuel pump. The light alloy cylinder block had a so-called. dry cylinder liners.

Alfa Romeo S.p.A, Milano, Italy.
The single-seater Alfetta had a four-speed gearbox located in one block with the rear axle differential - the "transaxle" system.”.
W 1939 In the year, the crankshaft was mounted in seven rolling bearings. The car was gaining power 165,6 kW (225 KM) by 7500 RPM, and Villoresi finished third in the Tripoli Grand Prix. The front wheels were suspended on the longitudinal crank arms of the tubular frame. At the rear, there are oscillating axles with negative camber. Transverse leaf springs and hydraulic shock absorbers are used at the rear and front. A vehicle weighing approx 900 kg reached the top speed 225 km/h. W 1946 year, a modernized Alfetta appeared 158 C with a two-stage compressor and increased power to 191,4 kW (260 KM) thanks to the charging pressure 220 kPa. Model z 1947 in the year he received another compressor, pumping the mixture under pressure 300 kPa. Thanks to this, power was achieved 195,0 kW (265 KM) by 9000 rpm and maximum speed over 280 km/h.
Listing of all Alphabet's victories over the years 1946-1951 it would take up too much space here. W 1947 Wimille year, Rope, Varzi and Sanesi took the first three places in the Grand Prix races in Switzerland, Belgium, Italy, and second and third place in Argentina. Jean Pierre Wimille won the European Championship in 1948 year, and Giuseppe Farina the world championship of the year 1950.